Who can become an Instagram blogger

Who is suited for this coveted fate of a popular blogger? Let’s look at some detailed examples.

  • People in search of realizing their creative potential. Often creative craftsmen, dancers, singers, writers or artists are confronted with the concepts of commercial and free art. The first option is regulated by the customer, but the second option is up to you. Consequently, Instagram can be used as a platform to showcase your work.
  • Experts. Now on social networking sites you can meet a specialist in any area of life – a nutritionist doctor, a mountain climber or surfer, a teacher or an entrepreneur. Their profile is their calling card, helping to shape and confirm their image as an expert.
  • To small and large business owners. You can motivate or annoy, share valuable experience and useful cases, but most importantly – you will loudly declare your brainchild, popularizing it in the digital space. If you are an entrepreneur, it makes sense to buy instagram followers to immediately increase respect for yourself.
  • Handmade experts. Great at knitting on-trend sweaters, you can sew a dress to fit, you make fun children’s toys – that’s a direct way to promote your account.
  • People who want to become famous. Yes, yes, there are people who love publicity and strive to be constantly in the spotlight of the crowd. It is quite natural that such ambitious and thirsty for popularity individuals simply do not have the right to hide their photos under a closed profile.

In fact, such coveted blogger status gives you a lot of opportunities for development and interesting acquaintances, a lot of 24/7 support for your audience and 100% pleasure from the process of creativity and content creation. Now anyone can become a blogger if they are willing to work at it.

Regularity of posts

In order to ensure that your activity level never goes down, you need to be prepared for the fact that you’ll have to do posts once every 1-2 days. And that’s as a minimum. Because of the ranking of your Instagram feed, skipping a post or doing it outside of popular hours can get you to the bottom of the social network, where your followers simply won’t see you.

Hashtags and geolocation

The proper use of hashtags and geolocations is a separate art form of promotion. You do know that social media texts are not indexed or searchable in any way, but tags are? Remember that you can use no more than 30 pieces, write them under the post in a separate comment, do not use popular tags, because they are updated every 2-3 seconds. Hashtags should match the picture and text, and only then will they bring the desired organic traffic. Geolocate by the fact of your location or at the point where a certain photo was taken.


And now we are not talking about trivial advertising collaborations, but about interaction with other Influencers on the topic. For example, if you decide to become a mom blogger and promote your account, it makes sense to do a joint contest with a parent who is just as active in social networks, attracting her audience to your page – and vice versa.

Paid methods of promoting and maintaining activity

To be always on the crest of popularity, you need to invest in your blog not only physical and creative effort, but also some material resources. No, we are not talking about the fabulous sums of money now, it’s enough of an average budget for promotion. You can connect an account automation service, run a couple of contests, as well as figure out how to run targeted ads and use the service instagram followers buy cheap. These are effective tools that increase conversion rates.