How to Add Google Analytics Enhanced eCommerce for WooCommerce

Looking to enable Enhanced eCommerce tracking on your WooCommerce store? Enhanced eCommerce tracking gives you detailed insights into your customer’ shopping behavior, so you can optimize your store and drive more revenue.

In this article, we’ll talk about the benefits of Enhanced eCommerce, and show you how to set up Enhanced eCommerce tracking on your WooCommerce store.

Traditional eCommerce vs. Enhanced eCommerce Tracking

Enhanced eCommerce tracking is an optional feature in Google Analytics that gives you more detailed data about the shopping behavior of your customers than traditional eCommerce tracking.

Now let’s take a quick head-to-head comparison between the benefits of Enhanced eCommerce tracking over traditional eCommerce tracking.

1. Overview and Product Performance Reports:

With traditional eCommerce tracking, you can access your sales data and valuable store metrics for individual products such as revenue, conversion rates, the average order value, the number of refunds, etc.

Whereas Enhanced eCommerce allows you to track categories and brand taxonomies that are relevant to your business. This way, in addition to individual products, you’ll be able to evaluate data on the basis of product categories and brand properties.

2. Shopping and Checkout Behavior Reports:

You get more detailed insights into product page views, shopping cart initiations and abandonments, completed transactions and more.

3. Product List Performance Reports:

Product lists are a logical grouping of products on your site. This logical grouping is greatly helpful to categorize your products for upselling and cross selling for maximizing revenue from your store. In this report, you can track the product lists that are shown to your customers and analyze their performances.

4. More Useful Marketing Reports

You can track the performance of your own coupon codes and sales to see what works. You can also determine who your top affiliates are and see their revenue, transactions, and average order amount.

In a nutshell, Enhanced eCommerce tracking gives you all the essential data you need to optimize your store to boost your revenue.