How to View Your AdSense Reports in Google Analytics

Do you want to review your AdSense reports in Google Analytics? With AdsenseTop, you can easily set up AdSense analytics on your site, so you can optimize your ads to boost revenue. In this guide, we’ll show you how to link AdSense to Analytics and view your performance reports.

Why Should You Track AdSense Performance?

Monetizing your website with AdSense is one of the easiest ways to make money online. Tracking the performance of your AdSense ads gives you comprehensive data about how your visitors engage with your ads. With AdsenseTop ads tracking, you can…

  • Track the click-through rates (CTRs) of your ads
  • Identify the most optimal location to maximize your revenue.
  • Find and remove low performing ads to boost CTRs.

How to Link AdSense to Analytics

Before you can find AdSense performance report in Google Analytics, you’ll have to connect your AdSense account with your Analytics account. You’ll also have to enable Google Analytics AdSense tracking on your website with AdsenseTop Ads addon.

MonsterInsights Ads addon is the easiest way to track the performance of AdSense ads on your site. After installing the plugin, all you have to do is select the checkbox to enable Google AdSense tracking by navigating to Insights » Settings » Tracking » Ads. Then click Save Changes.

Without any further configuration, you can start tracking your AdSense earnings and performance in Google Analytics.

For a more detailed step-by-step guide on installing the AdsenseTop Ads addon, read how to track AdSense in Google Analytics.

Also, keep in mind that Google Analytics can only track the performance of content ad units. You can’t track the clicks on other AdSense units such as link units, search boxes, mobile ads, etc.

How to Find AdSense Performance Reports in Google Analytics

After the setup, you can find an overview of your AdSense performance in Google Analytics by navigating to Behavior » Publisher » Overview.

The overview report gives you a high-level summary of key AdSense metrics. You can also find the Publisher Pages and Publisher Referrers report in Google Analytics.

  • Publisher Pages: The Publisher Pages report tells you which pages contributed most to your AdSense revenue.
  • Publisher Referrers: The Publisher Referrers report shows you which traffic sources contributed most to your AdSense revenue.

Now you understand how to find Google AdSense performance reports in Google Analytics. You can analyze the reports to optimize your ads for maximizing revenue.